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Отмечаем! "Неделя Беженца в Аделаиде"

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  • Отмечаем! "Неделя Беженца в Аделаиде"

    Australia's Federal Immigration Minister Amanda Vanstone on 25 Sept. described Australia's immigration program as strong and generous, during a speech marking the start of Refugee Week in Adelaide. Senator Vanstone said the week celebrates the important contribution of courage and innovation provided by immigrants and refugees.

    "We've got a fabulous refugee and humanitarian program. It's supported by both sides of Parliament but we all agree we're the third biggest taker of people for resettlement in the world and that's something to celebrate."

    But Opposition multicultural affairs spokeswoman Annette Hurley says the Government needs to be more consistent when it comes to immigration and refugees.

    "In the Federal Government some people say good words about refugees and encourage them in," she said.

    "On the other hand we have statements about making citizenship difficult, about making it more difficult for people to come into Australia. I think the Government has to make up its mind."

  • #2
    "On the other hand we have statements about making citizenship difficult, about making it more difficult for people to come into Australia. I think the Government has to make up its mind." - ты по поводу этого радуешься, или просто нашёл повод в понедельник пива попить? :P
    С наилучшими пожеланиями Anton

