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  • #16
    Сообщение от Darius
    ИМХО это левый список, и я не советую на него ориентироваться.

    Ребята, есть или нет ваш конкретный вуз в каком-то списке - этот не влияет на конечный результат, может повлиять разве что на сроки рассмотрения. Если, скажем, IEA отправил в NOOSR, это значит, плохо написан CDR, и название вуза здесь не при чем. Если recognition body начинает упрямиться и посылает в NOOSR... ну, значит, так тому и быть, плюс еще четыре-шесть месяцев на процесс. Однако, в СЕР прямо сказано, что список неполный и включает только самые крупные вузы, поэтому к сюрпризам надо быть готовыми. Это бюрократия. В любом случае признание квалификации всегда делается на индивидуальной основе. Приведенный здесь список вузов из WoL - руководство для перевода, не более того.

    Вот текст CEP:

    Country Educational Profiles: New Independent States of the Former Soviet Union



    These guidelines are issued as a guide to the level of education represented by the qualifications in question. The professional standing of the qualifications in Australia is a matter for the appropriate Australian professional body or registration authority to determine. Similarly, the academic status of the qualifications for the purposes of admission to a course of study at an Australian tertiary institution is a matter for the institution concerned to determine.

    These guidelines refer to qualifications obtained under the Soviet education system

    Higher Education

    NOTE: Because of the large numbers of higher education institutions in the Republics comprising the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union, it is not practicable to list them all. A list of State Universities and Polytechnical Institutes can be found in the APPENDIX following these guidelines.

    1 A Diplom ob okonchanii vysshego uchebnego zavedeniya - Diploma of Specialist with a professional/specialist title - requiring four or more years of university-level study is assessed as comparable to the educational level of an Australian Bachelor degree (see EDUCATIONAL OUTCOMES section). Note that the Diploma of Specialist is sometimes referred to or translated as 'Master degree'.

    2 A Kandidat Nauk in mathematics, sciences or technology is assessed as comparable to the educational level of an Australian PhD (see EDUCATIONAL OUTCOMES section).

    A Kandidat Nauk in other fields of study is assessed as at least comparable to the educational level of an Australian Master degree in the first instance, and may be referred to NOOSR for individual consideration for a higher assessment (see EDUCATIONAL OUTCOMES section).

    3 A Doktor Nauk can be regarded as at least comparable to the educational level of an Australian PhD.

    4 Other qualifications are assessed individually.

    Technical Education

    1 A Diploma (Diplom o Srednem Spetsialnom Obrazovani,) awarded after studies at a teknikum or uchilische is assessed as comparable to the level of an Australian TAPE Associate Diploma (Stream 3500).

    The Diplom o Srednem Spetsialnom Obrazovanii requires either (usually) four years of study following eight or nine years of general schooling, or two to three years of study following the Certificate of Secondary Education (Attestat o srednem obrazovanii or Attestat ob okonchanii polnoj srednej shkoly or Attestat Zrelostl) awarded on completion of general secondary' schooling (ten or eleven years,
    depending on the region).

    2 A second level College Diploma - Diplom ob okonchanii kolledzha po vtoroi stupeni - with the title of Junior Engineer - Mladshii inzhiner - is assessed as comparable to the level of an Australian TAFE Diploma (Stream 3600).

    Secondary Education

    A Certificate of Secondary Education (Svidetel'stvo Srednem Obrazov'anii or Attestat ob okonchanii polnoj srednej shkoly or Attestat Zrelosti) awarded on completion of general secondary schooling can be regarded as comparable to the educational level of completion of Year 12 in Australia (see EDUCATIONAL OUTCOMES section).


    Secondary education in Australia is the responsibility of the individual States and Territories. While the above comments indicate NOOSR's view of the general educational level of the secondary awards in question, any individuals with secondary qualifications obtained overseas who wish to have more specific information should contact the appropriate State or Territory authority in order to obtain an assessment of their qualifications in terms of a State or Territory secondary award.

    NOTE: Australian Associate Diploma/Diploma in RATE (prior 1995) are generally equvalent to Diploma/Advanced Diploma in AQF (1995 onwards)
    Действия профессионалов можно предсказать, но мир полон любителей...


    • #17
      Сообщение от svk_au
      Country Educational Profiles: New Independent States of the Former Soviet Union
      Вот эта весч! И эта тоже весч! Спасибочки!

      Универ, в котором учился - есть в списке, а в котором работаю - нету!
      ну вот, еще и укулели


      • #18
        Сообщение от maximus3d
        Универ, в котором учился - есть в списке, а в котором работаю - нету!
        У меня тоже интересно получилось: университет, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, в который поступал, точнее в филиал этого универа, есть в списке... а пока я его закончил он успел отделиться и стать самостоятельным универсистетом, Mykolayiv State University of Petro Mohyla.

        З.Ы. Кстати как вообще в случае филиалов? Надо писать что закончил такой-то универ без указания филиала или все-таки указывать как филиал?
        What you get is what you want.

