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s SiR jit v Sydney

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  • s SiR jit v Sydney

    V obshem ne nashol ya raboty v Adelaide za god poiska s sir visoy.
    Dumayu teper poyehat v Sydney ili Melbourne a kogda sir viza istechot, budu viyezjat iz AU i podavatsya na normalnuyu vizu.

    Vozniknut li u menya problemy pri podache na normalnuyu vizu (subclass 136)?

  • #2
    По SIR визе мы подписывали бумаги, что не можем рабртать в Мельбурне. У нас спонсорство от штата Виктория.
    Но можно работать по любой специальности (необязательно по которой подавались).
    Под большим вопросом устройство в Сиднее и Мельбурне. Ведь работадатель будет проверять визу.
    Может быть, как вариант, найти любую (пусть неквалифицированную) работу в Аделаиде.
    А то как-то жалко терять столько времени...
    Хотите изменить окружающий мир - меняйтесь сами.


    • #3
      Ya ne pomnyu shto ya podpisival, no fakt, shto PR ne dadut yesli s sir vizoy na PR podavatsya narushiv pravila i uyehav v Sydney ili Melburn.
      Mne interesno dadut li PR yesli zanogo na nego podatsya (s nulya) posle togo kak sir protuhnet i dimia uznayet shto pravila sir vizy byli narusheny.


      • #4
        Rabotodatel chasto vizu ne sprashivayet i ne proveryayet.
        Rabotat vy mojete kem hotite no PR vam mogut i ne dat. V dimia yesho sami ne znayut budut oni davat PR sir viza holderam ili net yesli rabotal po spetsialnosti vne SOL. Voditeli, taksisty, ohranniki ofitsianty vne SOL


        • #5
          А вы по какой специальности уезжали?


          • #6

            Насколько я знаю,работать по SIR визе вы должны по той специальности,по которой подавались,чтобы потом получить PR,хотя если ошибаюсь, поправьте.


            • #7
              Re: SIR

              ya yehal kak buhgalter.

              Remark, da ty prav. ili hotya by po lyuboy spestsialnosti iz SOL, predostaviv dokazatelstva shto ne mog nayti rabotu po nominated occupation


              • #8
                Re: SIR

                Сообщение от Qazan
                ya yehal kak buhgalter.
                А какой смысл бухгалтером по SIR ехать, когда за MODL 15 баллов дают?


                • #9
                  Re: SIR

                  Сообщение от Gladiator
                  Сообщение от Qazan
                  ya yehal kak buhgalter.
                  А какой смысл бухгалтером по SIR ехать, когда за MODL 15 баллов дают?
                  Eto seychas dayut. Ya podal svoi dokumenty na sir za nedelyu do togo kak buhgalterov v modl zasunuli. Takoy vot ya schastlivchik


                  • #10
                    При подаче на 136 визу тебе нужно будет показать опыт работы 12 из 18 месяцев. Сможешь? Это ведь одно из условий.
                    Но, может быть все же лучше продолжать искать работу из SOL? Ведь время еще есть.


                    • #11
                      Qazan! Нужель целый год поиска работы ничего не дал...А на какие позиции Вы подавались, если у Вас есть время писать конечно...Неужель, даже на AR, AP, Bookeeper, вообще ничего не прокатило.....Звучит как-то грустно
                      Carpe diem!


                      • #12
                        Здравствуйте, Qazan

                        Вы, случайно, не писали раньше в форуме под ником Getme Outtaru? Если да, то большое спасибо за questionnaire по СИР визе.


                        • #13
                          Вот что нам написали в одном из последних писем
                          "...The IT industry is quite
                          competitive in Geelong at the moment so please be aware as a SIR visa
                          holder, you are not restricted to working only in your nominated
                          . You do however have to live and work in regional Victoria as I
                          am sure you are aware.
                          Kind regards,
                          Skilled Migration Program
                          Victorian Government

                          а вот одно из приложений. В нем есть условие работы по skilled специальности:

                          "Skilled Independent Regional (“SIR”) Visa – Victorian Skilled Migration Program (“SMP”) Sponsorship Conditions and Requirements
                          SMP Liability

                          1. SMP does not provide or find employment for SMP state-sponsored (“sponsored”) SIR Visa holders.

                          2. SMP does not provide financial support to SIR Visa holders.

                          3. SMP does not provide or find accommodation for sponsored SIR Visa holders.

                          4. SMP will not be held accountable or liable if a sponsored SIR Visa holder is unsuccessful in meeting their SIR Visa conditions and/or has been unable to find employment.
                          SIR Visa Second Stage – Permanent Residency

                          The Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs (DIMIA) have defined three pathways for permanent residency for SIR Visa holders:

                          1. The state-sponsored State/Territory Nominated Independent (STNI) visa,
                          2. The state-sponsored State/Territory Business Migration Scheme visas, for migrants who have established a business in regional Victoria; and
                          3. The employer-sponsored Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) visa.

                          Sponsorship for the STNI visa through the SMP

                          Migrants who may apply for sponsorship from SMP for their STNI visa should consider the following:

                          1. Migrants who obtain sponsorship from SMP and intend on living and working in regional Victoria are required to lodge a SMP state sponsorship form with DIMA.

                          2. It is a requirement that migrants who apply to SMP for SIR Visa sponsorship will meet their SIR Visa conditions in regional Victoria and not in another state or territory. If a SMP sponsored migrant meets their SIR visa conditions in another state or territory, they will not be considered for STNI sponsorship.

                          3. Migrants who intend live and work outside regional Victoria need to apply for sponsorship from the state or territory where they intend to meet their SIR Visa conditions.

                          4. SIR Visa holders who obtain sponsorship from SMP are required to make contact with the SMP when they arrive in regional Victoria and provide SMP with updated contact details.

                          5. SIR Visa holders who have obtained another state or territory’s sponsorship but wish to move to regional Victoria must contact the SMP and seek permission to live and work in regional Victoria before they arrive in Victoria.

                          6. It is a requirement that SMP sponsored SIR Visa holders will seek employment in their sponsored occupation. Migrants may need to work in unskilled employment when initially arriving in regional Victoria. However, it is required that migrants will meet the majority of their SIR Visa conditions in skilled employment. Migrants who are unable to find work in a skilled occupation must contact the SMP so that the SMP can track the migrant’s attempts at finding skilled employment.

                          7. It is expected that SIR Visa holders who obtain sponsorship from SMP will live in the town/region which endorsed their sponsorship application. SIR Visa holders who move to a region which did not endorse their sponsorship application are required to contact the SMP to provide their new contact details.

                          1. SMP is not liable or responsible for providing employment, accommodation or financial support to sponsored SIR visa holders.

                          2. SMP is not liable if SIR Visa holders do meet their SIR Visa conditions.

                          3. To qualify for SMP’s sponsorship for STNI migrants are required to:

                          a) obtain SIR visa sponsorship from SMP;
                          b) lodge a Victorian state sponsorship form 1244 with DIMIA for their SIR Visa;
                          c) meet their SIR Visa conditions in regional Victoria;
                          d) work in skilled employment; and
                          e) provide current contact details to SMP.

                          4. SIR visa holders who:

                          a) accept sponsorship from SMP but meet their SIR Visa conditions in another state; and/or
                          b) accept sponsorship from another state and move to regional Victoria and do not make contact with SMP; and/or
                          c) accept sponsorship from SMP and intend to fulfil their SIR Visa conditions in Victoria but lodge another state’s sponsorship form 1244 with DIMIA; and/or
                          d) move to regional Victoria without SMP’s sponsorship;
                          e) work in unskilled employment for the majority of their SIR Visa; and/or
                          f) live in a regional area that did not endorse their sponsorship application,

                          and do not contact the SMP, will not be considered for SMP sponsorship of the STNI Visa"

                          Получается, что можно работать по unskilled специальности, но тогда получать PR через RSMS...
                          Хотите изменить окружающий мир - меняйтесь сами.


                          • #14
                            Интересно, а наличие SIR ограничивает возможность получения PR этими тремя путями или просто дает право на них? Иначе, что мешает, имея SIR, податься на PR как новенькому? Тогда не надо ждать окончания срока визы и, возможно, нарушать ее условия.

