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Как вас пред(под)ставляют агенты

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  • Как вас пред(под)ставляют агенты

    "An experienced developer with a Masters degree, when this person enters a room the average IQ tends to jump significantly. His technical experience and qualifications are too many and varied to list but include software development for image and data analysis, MATLAB, Windows O.S., Linux (Debian & Ubuntu), Adobe CS, AutoCAD, Eclipse, HTML, CSS, Java, XML, SQL and PHP.

    However anything but the nerdy stereotype, he is not afraid to get his hands dirty and has experience with general maintenance and even did carpentry work for several major concerts and television show sets in the *********. An accomplished sportsman, this person is an outstanding networker who can converse on almost any subject in a number of different languages to boot!.

    Following an outstanding academic record which included numerous significant publications and presentations, this person was specifically headhunted for a major assignment by one of our universities. However he has fallen in love with our city (take that Adelaide knockers!) and now that the assignment has ended he would like to remain here and is seeking challenging work in the IT, engineering or horticulture sectors. Such is his affection for our city he is willing to trade off a significant salary for lifestyle in order to continue to live in Adelaide.

    Highly intelligent, personable and professional, this person would be an outstanding resource to almost any business."

    каждый раз, когда получаю такой магнус опус ржу аки конь... агенты - зло. работайте самостоятельно. ciao.