Я - да.

Короче, вот: читал совершенно не относящуюся к заголовку статью (вот эту Insulin, An Undeserved Bad Reputation: The Finale » Weightology Weekly)

И набрел на такое:

Consider this problem. Jack is looking at Anne, but Anne is looking at George. Jack is married, but George is not. Is a married person looking at an unmarried person?

3.Cannot be determined
После недолгого размышления ответил. Неправильно. Вот чем я страдаю:

This problem is from an article in Scientific American about dysrationalia, a concept that describes where intelligent people think irrationally. The article also discusses a concept known as cognitive miserliness, which refers to people’s tendencies to take short cuts in their thinking. These short cuts can then often lead to incorrect conclusions since the conclusions are based on incomplete information. In fact, cognitive miserliness can often lead to the phenomena of dysrationalia described in the article.
Обидно, да ...

(Ответ на задачку там же, по ссылке, которая выше. А ссылка, которая ниже, собственно на статью из Scientific American, но там требуют денег, так что весь текст я не смог прочитать.)

Rational and Irrational Thought: The Thinking That IQ Tests Miss: Scientific American