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    Добрый день!

    А кто-нибудь перевозил из России в Австралию домашних животных? Что для этого надо и насколько сложно?

  • #2




    • #3
      Спасибо за ссылки!


      • #4
        Алексей А.,ввоз домашних животных (кошек, собак) из России в Австралию запрещен.
        Вот информация с сайта -
        The importation of cats and dogs from a DAFF non approved country can only occur indirectly via DAFF approved country.
        If you intend to import cats and dogs indirectly via DAFF approved country, you must first contact the quarantine service in the DAFF approved country to ensure that cats and dogs are eligible for entry. Cats and dogs must meet all of the pre and post-entry quarantine requirements of the DAFF approved country.
        Cats and dogs must be continuously resident in DAFF approved country for a minimum of six months prior to export. There are no exceptions to this requirement. Cats and dogs must meet all of the DAFF import conditions that apply to the DAFF approved country before being eligible for import into Australia.
        • The cat/dog is currently living in Thailand
        • Thailand is not DAFF approved country.
        • Singapore is DAFF approved country.
        • You will then need to contact the quarantine service in Singapore to determine whether they allow cats/dogs to be imported into Singapore from Thailand.
        • If the animal can be imported into Singapore, 6 months after arriving in Singapore the cat/dog may be imported into Australia. This is provided the animal meets all of the DAFF import conditions for cats/dogs from Singapore.

        Note: Singapore is only one example of DAFF approved country. Not all cats and dogs must be sent to Singapore to be eligible for import into Australia.
        All vaccinations, blood samples and blood testing required by DAFF must be conducted whilst the cat or dog is resident in DAFF approved country. DAFF will not accept any pre-export vaccinations, blood samples or blood testing completed in DAFF non approved country.
        You can commence the import preparation to meet the conditions for Australian Quarantine as soon as the cat or dog arrives in the DAFF approved country. You do not need to wait for your cat or dog to meet the residency condition of six months before starting the import process.

        Мы свою собаку ввезли из Франции. Но было очень...................сложно.


        • #5
          Добрый день,
          возвращаясь еще раз к теме о перевозе животных - если кого интересует наш опыт - я вывесила подробный рассказ на своем блоге

