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Skype lessons / experienced teacher

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  • Skype lessons / experienced teacher

    Hello everybody,

    My name's Lucas Andreski and I currently live in a rather small town, Eastbourne, in the UK.

    I've been teaching English since 2002 and preparing students for IELTS since 2007. For six years I used to work in Moscow for BKC MBA Centre, which might be well known among any students planning to take the exam in Moscow, or, for that matter, anywhere else where the exam is not administered by Students International.

    I have examined for four centres in total, the above mentioned BKC, SI, Basil Paterson in Edinburgh and my current employer West London and Hammersmith College.

    Ever since leaving Moscow in Sept 2012 I've been working only online. I do have my own website, which I presume I'm not supposed to advertise here.

    Given the fact that my formative years as a teacher passed in Moscow, I can honestly say that I specialize in teaching Russians. In fact, all my students are Russians, though some of them are based abroad.

    The reason I've decided to advertise myself a bit is the nature of my work. I seem to always have too many or too few students, and the season being summer the latter is the case now.

    On top of teaching over Skype, Viber or Google voice chat, I correct writing task 1 and 2 for both Academic and General Module.

    As regards prices, I charge 1000 RUB for 45 min, 1500 for 70 and 2000 for 90, whereas 1 piece of writing, be it an essay, graph or letter corrected, commented upon and graded (Four bands: Task Response, Coherence and Cohesion, Lexical Resource and Grammatical Range and Accuracy) costs 500 RUB. I accept payment through Yandex Dengi, Qiwi or Paypal.

    Last but not least, I do speak Russian, which is helped by the fact that my wife is Russian and daughter bilingual, so, if anybody is a lower level student, I can actively use this skill ))

    Should you have any questions, I'd be glad to answer.
    Last edited by Lucas; 07.07.2013, 06:57.
    IELTS specialist; online tutor

  • #2
    Сообщение от Lucas Посмотреть сообщение
    Ever since living Moscow in Sept 2012
    дабия ти эф?
    The photographer can shoot


    • #3
      Thank you for pointing it out, Yurah. Should've edited the post, as there was one more mistake. Mea culpa.

      However, you should've allowed for my being a foreigner and used less colloquial Russian if you'd wanted to get your point across.

      IELTS specialist; online tutor


      • #4
        Сообщение от Lucas Посмотреть сообщение
        and used less colloquial Russian
        Truth be told, I have no idea of what's written there as well. And I'm a native Russian speaker.

        What was that, Yurah?
        Last edited by yamov; 07.07.2013, 08:06.


        • #5
          Сообщение от yamov Посмотреть сообщение
          Truth be told, I have no idea of what's written there as well. And I'm a Russian native speaker.

          What was that, Yurah?
          wtf, maybe?
          Expect nothing and you will never be disappointed.


          • #6
            Seems like I was simply not thinking out of the box. . True. Cовременный русский литературный язык: даблю ти еф
            IELTS specialist; online tutor


            • #7
              Сообщение от Lucas Посмотреть сообщение
              Seems like I was simply not thinking out of the box. .
              Neither was I


              • #8
                Сообщение от NestyIvan Посмотреть сообщение
                wtf, maybe?
                You got it
                The photographer can shoot

