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  • <кирилл>
    These days, many people are concerned about school education, which affects everyone from the cradle to the grave. They often claim that the modern marks oriented school system is outdated and requires some drastic changes. Teacher oriented methods of teaching, for instance, decrease creativity of school boys and girls. Thereby, young employees are not as creative as rapidly changing environment demands them to be , as a result of which they could face some problems in the workplace. Unsurprisingly, most of prescriptive teachers are vehemently against any changes in the educational system. However , schools ought to respond to rapidly changing environment, by switching to child oriented approach, which will undoubtedly benefit both employers and employees.
    Last edited by <кирилл>; 14.09.2015, 04:01.

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  • NortT
    In today’s world, there are different educational methods were adopted by educators. A marks-oriented and a teacher-oriented approaches are two main of them. In spite of some advantages of both conceptions, they faced vehement criticism from many people.

    First of all, a teacher-oriented approach considered as an outdated way of schooling. The main reason why this prescriptive method is attacked is that it stifles creativity in students. Teachers do not lead pupils to knowledge but enforce it. This means that young people do not have an opportunity to explore new horizons of science.

    A marks-oriented approach also has some drawbacks. The main one is that this method does not respond to rapidly changing environment. In order to gain good marks, many students prefer to execute easy tasks rather than to solve difficult ones and lose their good marks. Consequently, these studetns cannot become professionals and deal with current environmental problems.

    In conclusion, from my perspective, despite a conception adopted in a particular school or university, students have to adore a subject they have chosen to study and keep on loving it from cradle to grave.
    Last edited by NortT; 14.09.2015, 05:06.

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  • z11aalex
    There is an opinion that the actual educational system is obsolete and needs to be adjusted to respond to modern rapidly changing environments. From the cradle to the grave, education is part and parcel throughout our life, hence it is very important the way we approach to teaching knowledge. Many people consider teacher centred approach outdated and excessively adult oriented. They vehemently believe that this approach neglect the need and interest of children, thus limiting their creativity. Additionally the actual educational system lacks of a balanced assessment mechanism, the marks oriented assessment of material assimilation is just an indirect measure of children's time management and does not directly assure of knowledge gained.
    On the other hand, teachers think that the government' educational guidelines are too prescriptive, limiting them from trying new innovative approach in order to face current educational challenges.

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  • Mrs X
    Я выпала из игры, мне надо 3 реферата на 2000 слов каждый написать, причем на английском!
    пошла работать над ними
    всем удачи в достижении необходимых результатов!

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  • od1n
    Nowadays an education system of any developed country is a hot topic of interminable controversies.

    One of the most blameful problem is an outdated educational program in tertiary education. Todays teachers face a rapidly changing environment that prompted them to keep their knowledge up-to-date.
    However many of them acquiesce with a fast-paced development of the corresponding field of science and intentionally ignore any possibility to renovate their background. Step by step it turns into education by obsolete rules in a prescriptive manner. As a consequence many students vehemently oppose to such circumstances.

    Another critical problem is marks-oriented education. Some parents blame it in suppressing of children creativity. Stating that it is a good habit to learn from cradle to grave, they also contravenes with a widespread teacher-centred style of education. In most cases it is a considerable reason for them to respond with home-schooling of their children.

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  • julyp
    Great attention is devoted to education in our days. It influences human life from cradle to grave, that is why it is so important part of our life. Currently development of society and technology is accelerated, and this development affects education. In addition, a rapidly changing social environment does matter. Current educational methods become outdated and new modern methods appear. For example, there are people who vehemently object to teacher centred education. They usually support student-centered instruction. These types of education have both positive and negative sides.

    In teacher centred education, the teacher talks or give prescription while the students listen. In this case, the students work alone, they learn to be independent. However, this type of education is marks oriented and do not learn to collaborate with other people.

    In student-centered instruction, the students communicate with each other. They develop creativity and improve collaborative skills, the students ask questions and the instructor responds to their questions. This type of education prepares the student for adult life. When they face with problems, they will be able to solve them.
    Last edited by julyp; 12.09.2015, 15:55.

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  • Maimiti_Isabella
    The topic: education
    • dated/ outdated
    • marks oriented
    • to face
    • to respond to
    • rapidly changing environment
    • prescriptive
    • teacher centred / teacher oriented
    • vehemently
    • creativity
    • from cradle to grave

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  • Тина
    Сообщение от Maimiti_Isabella Посмотреть сообщение
    Are we done?
    We're looking for another challenge impatiently)

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  • Maimiti_Isabella
    Сообщение от z11aalex Посмотреть сообщение
    I think so, anyway I am keen to find out what's out there prepared for us
    Nothing as yet. Too busy. Maybe later.

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  • z11aalex
    Сообщение от Maimiti_Isabella Посмотреть сообщение
    Are we done?
    I think so, anyway I am keen to find out what's out there prepared for us

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  • Maimiti_Isabella
    Are we done?

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  • Maimiti_Isabella
    Сообщение от julyp Посмотреть сообщение
    Sea change or tree change gains popularity in our days. People abandon city life and move to villages or sea coasts because there are no hustle and bustle in countryside. In addition, people enjoy peaceful, idyllic or even utopian life in countryside.

    Of course, life in a village has minuses, for example, you may have difficulty with job searching. However many people may found telecommuting through the internet. Fewer and fewer circumstances prevent people from moving to the village these days. Everybody can relocate to village or sea cost now: young and old, families with children and DINK families. However, there are two categories of people who usually migrate to countryside. The first category is retirees and ill health people. The second one is people who want to rest from the big smoke; they usually shift to the coast.

    Although there is urban sprawl nowadays, this sea change is becoming more popular than ever.
    Good ideas but you need to keep working on your English.

    'ill health' is not used correctly

    Please re-visit the SVA issues in the 'there is / there are' sentences

    Check out the meaning of the verb 'to rest'.

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  • Maimiti_Isabella
    Сообщение от z11aalex Посмотреть сообщение

    насчет incline мне показалось вроде подходит по смыслу, взято отсюда :incline
    Check the usage!

    насчет ill health можно и так?
    ... that discourage ill health from the idea ...

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  • z11aalex
    Сообщение от Maimiti_Isabella Посмотреть сообщение
    Очень неплохо. Практически все слова употреблены правильно. Жалко, что для DINKs место не нашлось.

    Проверьте как используется слово incline.
    ill health - уже существительное с прилагательным, так что они само по себе самодостаточные
    и откуда вы вот эту прелесть взяли: persons?
    countryside пишется вместе

    насчет incline мне показалось вроде подходит по смыслу, взято отсюда :incline

    насчет ill health можно и так?
    ... that discourage ill health from the idea ...
    persons - вышло как то cumbersome

    countryside- basic mistake

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  • julyp

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