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Родительские визы. Summary and Questions.

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  • Сообщение от Parent Посмотреть сообщение
    Мы с женой подавались на 143-ю визу в феврале 2013 г. Тогда сроки ожидания офицера были примерно 18 мес. Т.е. офицера мы должны были получить в августе 2014г. В конце июля 2014 мы прошли медкомиссию в Москве, получили справки из полиции РФ об отсутствии судимостей, сделали их нотариально-заверенный перевод, а наши сыновья в Австралии внесли за нас AoS, и послали е-мэйл в Пертский центр по родительским визам, что мы готовы к процессингу по нашему кейсу. Август проходит, никаких писем не получаем. В начале сентября посылаем в Перт новый е-мэйл: "Чо за дела! Где офицер!" В ответ получаем на электронку письмо: "Офицер Вам в августе был назначен, но при извещении об этом была допущена ошибка в Вашем электронном адресе. Так как Положением о порядке рассмотрения визовых дел предусмотрен 28 дневный срок предоставления требуемых документов и, если в этот срок документы не представлены, то дело закрывается с резолюцией "в визе отказано", учитывая, что задержка предоставления ваших справок об отсутствии судимостей будет по Нашей вине, разрешаем Вам прислать эти справки не в оригинале почтой, а сканкопиями на Наш е-мэйл." Что нами немедленно было сделано. 26-го сентября 2014г. мы получили грант-леттер.
    Мораль: не ждите от моря погоды, пишите письма, а-то 28 дней пройдут.
    Фигасе поворот...
    Т.е. вы получили ID для прохождения медицины и для внесения AoS не имея офицера?

    По нашей 864 даже сроков нет никаких на сайте. Когда такой запрос слать?
    Лучше делать и жалеть о сделанном, чем не делать и жалеть о несделанном.


    • помогите! Авто-ответ на приходит на пустое письмо. Уже пичти три года ждем на 147. Че делать?


      • Сообщение от Fisherrr333 Посмотреть сообщение
        помогите! Авто-ответ на приходит на пустое письмо. Уже пичти три года ждем на 147. Че делать?
        Надо же просто пустое письмо отправить?


        • Сообщение от Fisherrr333 Посмотреть сообщение
          Надо же просто пустое письмо отправить?
          Посмотрите недавнее сообщение от Тони.Новый мэйл там.


          • Сообщение от Leka N Посмотреть сообщение
            Посмотрите недавнее сообщение от Тони.Новый мэйл там.
            the new one is silent too, no response


            • Сообщение от Fisherrr333 Посмотреть сообщение
              the new one is silent too, no response
              У меня тоже не приходили ответы.((


              • Сообщение от Fisherrr333 Посмотреть сообщение
                the new one is silent too, no response
                Сюда шлите: [email protected]
                Я совсем недавно получила ответ, ящик рабочий.
                Проверьте спам.
                Лучше делать и жалеть о сделанном, чем не делать и жалеть о несделанном.


                • И правда ерунда какая-то, послала запрос пару часов назад - ответа нет.
                  Лучше делать и жалеть о сделанном, чем не делать и жалеть о несделанном.


                  • Сообщение от Tony Посмотреть сообщение
                    И правда ерунда какая-то, послала запрос пару часов назад - ответа нет.
                    There is no more auto reply. The is no Parent Vise Cntre, it is home affair now... To protect the feelings of the sexual minorities.

                    All new forms start from questions about your sex, have a look on your own... detestable crap.

                    priexali, bliat', radi detei


                    • Сообщение от Fisherrr333 Посмотреть сообщение
                      There is no more auto reply. The is no Parent Vise Cntre, it is home affair now... To protect the feelings of the sexual minorities.

                      All new forms start from questions about your sex, have a look on your own... detestable crap.

                      priexali, bliat', radi detei
                      Честно, не поняла о чем Вы...
                      Лучше делать и жалеть о сделанном, чем не делать и жалеть о несделанном.


                      • Tony, Письмо приходит если были обновления. Если данные не менялись, письмо не придет. Если уж совсем долго не приходит, отправте запрос с другого ящика.



                          DEPARTMENT OF HOME AFFAIRS

                          This email is your confirmation that we received your email and/or your emailed documents.

                          Due to the high volume of emails we receive every day, we are unable to respond to progress update enquiries or to enquiries where the requested information is provided in this auto-response.

                          The following information is designed to answer the most commonly asked questions about the following visa subclasses:

                          CONTRIBUTORY PARENT VISAS

                          · Offshore applicants (subclass 143 and 173)

                          · Onshore applicants (subclass 864 and 884)

                          NON-CONTRIBUTORY PARENT VISAS

                          · Offshore applicants (subclass 103)

                          · Onshore applicants (subclass 804)


                          You can make a payment for a paper application prior to lodgement or pay an invoice for a visa via ImmiAccount http://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/Trav/Visa/Immi You must either have or create your own ImmiAccount. Once the payment is made, you can attach a copy of your receipt to your application.

                          The Department does not provide specific advice or pre-lodgement counselling. For information on eligibility or how to apply please see http://www.homeaffairs.gov.au All our information including answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) is contained on our website, as well as, on our forms (which you may download from our website).

                          To find a visa please see: https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/trav/visa-1

                          If you have difficulty understanding our requirements, you may wish to consider engaging a Migration Agent.

                          POST-LODGEMENT ENQUIRIES
                          We received a very large number of applications recently. Please allow up to six weeks from when you posted your application for it to be receipted and registered. If you lodged your application before 29 July 2018, check your junk mail folder for a copy of your acknowledgement letter. Yahoo, Hotmail and Gmail have a tendency to place our messages in junk mail folders. Please ensure you make our email address [email protected] a trusted address. If you still cannot find a letter from us please contact us WITH THE FULL NAME, DATE OF BIRTH AND PASSPORT DETAILS OF THE MAIN APPLICANT.


                          In the 2017-18 Migration Programme year, 7175 Contributory Parent visa places were available for applicants applying from in and outside Australia. Due to high numbers of Contributory Parent visa applications lodged each day, processing time has exceed 49 months.

                          · OFFSHORE APPLICANTS (subclass 143 and 173)

                          When your application is allocated to an assessing officer, you or your authorised contact may be asked to provide more documents, including (but not limited to) an Assurance of Support (subclass 143 only), police certificates and health clearances to finalise your application.

                          We are currently assessing applications lodged up to and including 3 June 2015.

                          · ONSHORE APPLICANTS (subclass 864 and 884)

                          When your application is allocated to a case officer, you or your authorised contact will be asked to provide more documents, including (but not limited to) an Assurance of Support (subclass 864 only), police certificates and health clearances to finalise your application.

                          We are currently assessing applications lodged up to 27 October 2016.

                          TEMPORARY TO PERMANENT APPLICANTS (subclass 173 to 143 and 884 to 864)

                          We are currently assessing applications lodged up to 13 November 2017.


                          In the 2017-18 Migration Program year, 1500 Non-Contributory Parent visa places were available for applicants applying from in and outside Australia.

                          · OFFSHORE APPLICANTS (subclass 103)

                          Once your application is allocated to a case officer, your eligibility for a visa will be assessed and if you are found to meet eligibility requirements your application will be placed in a queue and assigned a queue date to wait for a visa place.

                          We are currently assessing for a queue date applications lodged in August 2016.

                          We are currently assessing for visa grant applications with a queue date in August 2010.

                          · ONSHORE APPLICANTS (Subclass 804)

                          Once your application is allocated to a case officer, you or your authorised contact will be contacted and asked to provide more documents including police certificates and health clearances to complete your application. As soon as you are assessed as meeting all requirements your application will be placed in a queue and assigned a queue date to wait for a visa place.

                          We are currently assessing for a queue date applications lodged in April 2016.

                          We are currently assessing for finalisation applications with a queue date in April 2010.


                          QUEUE FOR SUBCLASS 103 AND 804
                          All applications are initially assessed in lodgement date order until they are queued or refused. The order of queuing may be influenced by delays to our requests for documents or other actions.

                          Once queued, a queue date cannot be changed even if compelling or compassionate circumstances exist as all cases are considered equally deserving. Please do not ask for your application to be prioritised or expedited. Applications are released from the queue in queue date order. To do otherwise could disadvantage someone else with an equally compelling or compassionate circumstance.

                          Changes in numbers in the queue depend on how many visas may be granted each year, fluctuations due to grants, refusals, withdrawals and successful review cases. Once your 103 or 804 application is queued and you want to check your place in the queue please use our queue calculator. The queue calculator for non-contributory parent visas can be found at https://www.ecom.immi.gov.au/qcalc/QDateAnswer.do

                          As visa places are limited (currently 1500 per year) your application will spend a long time in the queue. The time spent depends on the Australian Government releasing visa places. If you require more explanation of the Australian Government’s capping and queuing process please see our website at http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Brin/F...ng-and-queuing.

                          As an alternative, you may wish to 'switch' to a faster visa processing path, the Contributory Parent visa. This has significantly higher application charges, but no queue and is therefore, a much quicker pathway to permanent residence. Please see our website at: https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/trav/visa-1/143- or email us for more information.


                          The procedure for switching visa subclasses is as follows:

                          1. Lodge new Form 47PA (permanent) to the Parent Visa Centre. Ensure you complete “Part B – Declaration to Withdraw”.

                          2. Provide new Form 40 with the new application.

                          3. Pay the prescribed Visa Application Charge - the previous fee is not refundable or transferable.

                          You do not need to provide copies of supporting documents you have already sent with the old application unless the information contained in those documents have changed or expired.

                          Note: if switching from a subclass 103 to a 173 or 143 visa, your original application lodgement date will be taken into account for your new application thus ensuring that you are not disadvantaged.

                          Some applicants may prefer to change only one person from a non-contributory to a contributory visa and this is acceptable and will not affect the other person’s application.

                          We can only communicate with the applicant or the applicant’s apointed authorised recipient. If you want another person to deal with us on your behalf, you should send us a completed Form 956.

                          When communication with us, always include your reference number, name and date of birth in the subject line so that we can identify the email as one that is meant as part of your processing.

                          a. For example, write in the subject line: JOHN CITIZEN 4/4/1950 Client ID 12345678912 (OR CLF2015/123456)

                          ALL subclass 143, 173 and 103 Parent applications and form 1436 additional applicant applications, must be sent by mail or couriered to the PERTH Parent Visa Centre.

                          b. Our mail address is: Parent Visa Centre, Department of Home Affairs, Locked Bag 7 NORTHBRIDGE WA 6865

                          c. Our courier address is: Parent Visa Centre, Department of Home Affairs, 836 Wellington Street WEST PERTH WA 6005.

                          PROVIDING SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS
                          Currently there is no option to use ImmiAccount to provide documents for any visas processed by the Parent Visa Centre as our applications are paper lodged. Multiple documents should be saved in one PDF file if possible and attached to your email. We also accept jpg files. Links to web PDF files such as Google Drive and One Drive cannot be accepted due to our IT Security configuration.

                          VISA FEES
                          Visa fee information is available on the internet at: http://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/Trav/Visa/Visa-1

                          You will be requested to pay the 2nd visa application charge when your application is ready for grant of a visa.

                          HEALTH EXAMINATIONS
                          ONSHORE: Arrange your medical examination with BUPA. Telephone 1300 794 919 for an appointment or visit their website at Welcome to Bupa Visa Medical Visa Services

                          OFFSHORE: You must arrange your examination with a registered panel physician (these are doctors appointed by the Australian Government to carry out health checks on visa applicants outside Australia). Please see http://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/Lega/L...nel-physicians to find a doctor near you.

                          ASSURANCE OF SUPPORT (AoS)
                          Please refer to the Department of Human Services (DHS) (Centrelink) which is the agency responsible. We are aware of the delay in processing an AoS by DHS. Appropriate allowance will be made for this. Do not request DHS to provide evidence to the Department that you have lodged your AoS unless specifically requested by your case officer. Such requests significantly impact the ability of DHS to process the large number of AoS applications they receive.

                          Please contact Medicare for health assistance. Immigration does not advise on eligibility for Medicare benefits.

                          BRIDGING VISAS
                          Bridging visas are only granted to onshore applicants applying for a visa which can be granted onshore and can only be issued to people who are in Australia at the time of requesting the bridging visa. Usually a Bridging visa A (BVA) will be granted automatically when your temporary visa expires, provided you are still onshore. If you wish to travel out of Australia once you are the holder of a BVA, you must apply for a BVB before you depart.

                          The BVB requires Form 1006 and a fee (currently AUD $145 but may be subject to change). We do not accept emailed applications for Bridging visas. You must send the form by post or courier and allow enough time (about two weeks) for the application to be processed.


                          Please download Form 929 at www.homeaffairs.gov.au/929 and email the completed form to [email protected]

                          It is recommended that you also provide a scanned copy of the bio-data page of your new passport and/or evidence of change of name. This will ensure that we can process the change as soon as possible.

                          You can check your own visa details with VEVO through the following link: www.homeaffairs.gov.au/VEVO

                          Please note that Passport changes may take 24-48 hours to be reflected in VEVO. This will not affect your travel.

                          8503 "NO FURTHER STAY" WAIVER

                          For information on applying for a waiver of the 8503 condition please refer to our website at http://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/about/...sheets/52b-nfc

                          RETURN OF ASSURANCE OF SUPPORT BOND

                          The release of the Assurance of Support bond for applications finalised after 1 July 2004 is the responsibility of the Department of Human Services (Centrelink), please refer your request to them at: http://www.humanservices.gov.au/cust...ite-message-us

                          TEMPORARY SPONSORED PARENT VISA

                          On Friday 5 May 2017, the Government announced the introduction of the new temporary sponsored parent visa for parents of Australians during the 2017–18 Migration Programme year. The new visa will allow Australians to sponsor their parents to stay in Australia for up to five years at a time.

                          For more information see: Introducing the temporary sponsored parent visa

                          Important Notice: The content of this email is intended only for use by the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you have received this email by mistake, please advise the sender and delete the message and attachments immediately. This email, including attachments, may contain confidential, sensitive, legally privileged and/or copyright information.

                          Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. The Department of Home Affairs and ABF respect your privacy and have obligations under the Privacy Act 1988.

                          Unsolicited commercial emails MUST NOT be sent to the originator of this email.


                          • Сообщение от MilaLL Посмотреть сообщение
                            Tony, Письмо приходит если были обновления. Если данные не менялись, письмо не придет. Если уж совсем долго не приходит, отправте запрос с другого ящика.
                            Я несколько месяцев подряд получала с неизменными датами по нашей визе.
                            Попробую с другого ящика.
                            Лучше делать и жалеть о сделанном, чем не делать и жалеть о несделанном.


                            • Fisherrr333, спасибо!
                              Лучше делать и жалеть о сделанном, чем не делать и жалеть о несделанном.


                              • kto znaet nomer telefona v Perth? Napishite..

