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  • Сообщение от Оссень Посмотреть сообщение
    вот такое получилось эссе, занимаюсь с преподом, он ставит обычно 6.5, но не объясняет чего не хватает до 7. Подскажите пожалуйста, что необходимо исправить, дабы поднять балл. А то я бьюсь как рыба об лед и не могу понять в чем моя проблема
    Странный у Вас преподаватель... За что вы платите деньги?

    Кстати, вы уверены, что он/она разбирается в IELTS? Лично я бы сказала, что между 6.5 и 7, т.е. 7-ка вполне возможна.

    Теперь, чего не хватает:
    1. слабенькие Introduction and Conclusion. Первое настолько стандартное, что оно становится клише - т.е. заученная домашняя заготовка (выделенное красным) .

    2. Conclusion - честно говоря так и не поняла откуда взялось такое strong statement (выделенное зеленым), т.е. есть серьезные проблемы с coherence. Все предыдущее эссе - balanced argument, так что на чем основано такое заключение - не знаю. Также совершенно непонятно почему последнее 'слово' за advertising industry and mass communication - об этом в теме эссе ничего не было.

    3. Есть несколько ошибок в построении предложений (примеры выделен синим). Союз although указывает на сложно-подчиненное предложение, т.е. 2 clauses, a этого нет. А в первом случае куда-то пропало сказуемое.

    4. Некоторые другие ошибки и проблемы выделены оранжевым.

    В общем я считаю, что прежде всего надо сконцентрироваться на пп.1-2.

    In the modern world, the image (photograph or film) is becoming a more powerful way of communicating than the written word. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    Thanks to the technological progress, photos and video clips have become remarkably popular all over the world and are now an essential part of everyday life. While many people argue that images have key function in communication, others, however, hold the opinion that nothing could substitute the written text.

    On the one hand, development of media and digital technology made images one of the most inalienable parts of our life. It is hardly possible to find a place in any urban or even rural area without advertisement hoardings offering goods or services. Simplicity, clarity and brightness - three pillars, making photo and video remarkably popular in modern promotional industry. Thus, by attracting attention of billions of people, images became (-> have become) one of the most important ways for mass communication.

    On the other hand, the written word still remains the main source of objective information. While images appeal to humans psychology and imagination by replacement the information by impression, written text gives absolute facts without any emotions. Moreover, text, providing pure information, allows people to make their own opinions and conclusions. Also, noone could (why past tense?) deny, that the text is the main way of distant personal communication; any images will stay pointless for our friends or relatives without any written description to them.

    In conclusion, taking into account everything mentioned above, I'm inclined to believe that the written word is and will stay the most popular and intellectual way of humans personal communication. Although, the images will always keep leading positions in the world of advertising industry and mass communication.
    Last edited by Maimiti_Isabella; 30.01.2012, 08:05. Причина: HTML tags
    Сообщение от bolo83
    всезнающая дама предпенсионного возраста, которая сама непонятно как попала в Австралию


    • Огромное спасибо!!! Вы просто открываете мне глаза Теперь хотя бы ясно в какую сторону двигаться в написании эссе, а по поводу шаблонов, к сожалению Вы абсолютно правы, но я попробую справиться с этой ситуацией)
      Еще раз спасибо ОГРОМНОЕ
      L:6.5 R:7.0 W: 6.0 S: 8.0


      • Сообщение от Maimiti_Isabella Посмотреть сообщение
        So, as you see, you misunderstood the task and went in the wrong direction. I'm sorry, but I just have to repeat what I said before, in my previous comment on your first essay: ... но если выше 6.5, то начинать надо все-таки с английского.
        Спасибо за коментарии, буду старатса !!!
        Экзамен 12.04.2012


        • Сообщение от Anmíng Посмотреть сообщение
          Using a computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on your children. Do you agree or disagree?

          Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

          I tend to agree that children can be negatively affected by too much time spent on the computer every day. This is partly because sitting in front of ...
          я нашел тот же текст эссе в инете
          думаю что форум не для этого!!!


          • Сообщение от Dister Посмотреть сообщение
            я нашел тот же текст эссе в инете
            думаю что форум не для этого!!!
            Кажется, кто-то проверяющих проверяет )
            Pilate...asked Jesus, “Where are you from?” But Jesus did not answer him.
            John 19:8-9


            • Сообщение от Maria Mirabell Посмотреть сообщение
              Кажется, кто-то проверяющих проверяет )
              Someone doesn't want to have their essays checked here. That's for sure Sometimes I spend up to half an hour checking one essay. Next time I will spend 1 minute googling that essay just to make sure they need my help.


              • A country’s obsession with celebrity always increases when its citizens need a distraction from the harsh realities of war and economic strife.

                Idolizing of famous people is very popular nowadays. Crowds of fans, colorful banners and intriguing events in the world of stars. People like every action which produces an effect on them. Especially it gives the impression in minutes of global depression or military actions.
                First and foremost people are trying to see something positive even when everything is going wrong. Distraction on someone famous helps people overcome stress and fatigue, get rid of the disease, find the strength to withstand the hardships of fate. This is evidenced by many examples. Soviet soldiers during The Second World War went to the battle full of courage, shouting the name of Stalin (Stalin was a celebrity), not thinking about defeat and death. According to some experts, songs of some mega-known bands, like “Beatles”, “Queen”, “BoneyM.” increased levels of endorphins that helped to improve the health and strengthen the immune system.
                It is undeniable that to be at the center of attention is the truly difficult task. Hours of work on the vocals, never-ending dancing training, tons of routine political papers. Moreover, you won’t have success only working your fingers to the bone. You should be alive and kicking every time, be prepared to face the music, almost everything should go according to the plan. Due to this fact, for the great majority of people celebrities become ideals, role models on whom they wish be look like. It leads to global changes in behavior and public consciousness.
                Superfluous popularity of the head-liners also has negative impact on humans. They are trying to copy manners of these famous people, change their own appearance to be looking like someone, read the same books and wearing the same clothes. According to the statistics Michael Jackson has got about 23 million followers all over the world, Lady Gaga has about 16 million fans. Attempt to pass someone else’s way of life will not have real success, because every person is the architect of his own fortunes. You will never be in your element if you will try to resemble anyone too much.
                Sometimes stars have got pernicious habits. If child will look at the mega-popular person drinking alcohol, smoking and swearing he will think that he can do the same things and achieve a great success. Young people make freaky hairstyle, pierce their nose and lips, being under influence of the fashion. In my own opinion such actions lead to degeneration of community, disintegration of the personality and turn into making an exhibition of themselves in a stupid form.
                In conclusion I want to summarise all my logical conclusions regarding this issue. At all times community has both positive and negative heroes. All of these celebrities have achieved a great success. Some of them received their fame in the minutes of global disaster and destruction. Ordinary people looking at these big names shouldn’t forget about problems which they have and must solve. Stage and politics should inspire men, encourage for the struggle with the harsh reality.
                August,2011: Writing 5.5, Listening 5.5, Speaking 6.5, Reading 6.5. Overall - 6.0


                • оцените пожалуйста на сколько бы вытянуло эссе на IELTS. Я школьник, 16 лет. Буду очень благодарен за комментарии
                  August,2011: Writing 5.5, Listening 5.5, Speaking 6.5, Reading 6.5. Overall - 6.0


                  • VikingIPF, что это за эссе? Я имею в виду, это IELTS формулировка или нет? В формулировках IELTS эссе всегда есть фраза типа "Обсудите" или "Согласны ли вы", которая показывает какой это тип эссе. Если вы хотите сдавать IELTS берите сразу формулировки из нормальных источников или хотя бы сформулированные правильно.

                    Что касается самого эссе, то у вас большая проблема со всеми любимым таск ачивментом. Вам надо было писать про связь глобальных катаклизмов с повышенным вниманием к селебритиз, и вы этого не сделали. У вас только иртродакшн, первый боди параграф и кусок конклюжна по теме, а остальное больше похоже на то, как в школах пишут сочинение на свободную тему.

                    Если вам нужно лишь мнение об оценке, то я думаю это эссе где-то на 5.5 - 6. Если же вы хотите импрувнуть свои скиллы написания эссе, то давайте для начала вы перепишете это эссе так, чтобы оно было на ту тему, которую вы изначально заявили. И да, исправьте формулировку темы, чтобы это было похоже на формулировку IELTS эссе.
                    Last edited by Vanderley; 02.02.2012, 19:04.


                    • Сообщение от Maria Mirabell Посмотреть сообщение
                      ...Пока подала на аппеляцию speaking, посмотрим, может поднимут, если нет, то пойду опять сдавать может в конце февраля.
                      удачи с аппеляцией!


                      • Сообщение от Maria Mirabell Посмотреть сообщение
                        А у Вас какие результаты, если не секрет?
                        мне только предстоит


                        • Попробовала учесть предыдущие ошибки, созрела для вынесения очередного эссе на Ваш суд

                          There are many different types of music in the world today. Why do we need music? Is traditional music of a country more important than the international music that is heard everywhere nowdays?
                          It is well known that music has been an essential part of humans natural surrounding since the Stone-Age existence and remains it nowdays. There are lots of styles, such as folk, classic or modern music and each of them appeals to the certain senses or spheres of our lives.

                          It is obvious that music is a vital part f everyday life and has a great number of functions. Firstly, many brilliant opportunities for self-expression, such as dancing, singing, playing musical instruments or even creating some new melodies or rhythms, are available through the music. Secondly, we can be emotionally enriched by classical music, sensible songs or ballads. That is why music is often called the voice of heart. Finally, musical therapy is undoubtedly one of the best way of reducing stress. Also many people use music for relaxation after daily troubles, work, transport, some social or even psychological problems.

                          Moreover, music fulfils not only functions related to personal wealthy, but many social ones too. For instance, international and traditional types of music can be discussed. From one hand, folk music of a country belongs to our cultural and historical heritage which must be preserved. Ancient music is a symbolic expression of traditions and mentality, and reflects the objective reality of everyday life in the light of musical art. I believe, that people have to know their traditional music if they want to save their national individuality. From the other hand, international music which is spread all over the world is not less important then traditional one. Furthermore, international melodies give people opportunity for communication regardless of language, cultural or age-related barrier.

                          In conclusion, I’m inclined to think that music plays a vital role in many spheres of our lives .And it is equal important either for personal realization or for national self-determination.

                          Честно написано за 40 минут но боюсь качество опять хромает(
                          Last edited by Оссень; 03.02.2012, 03:49.
                          L:6.5 R:7.0 W: 6.0 S: 8.0


                          • Сообщение от Soldushka Посмотреть сообщение
                            удачи с аппеляцией!
                            Спасибо огромное! И Вам Удачи в предстоящем экзамене!
                            Pilate...asked Jesus, “Where are you from?” But Jesus did not answer him.
                            John 19:8-9


                            • Сначала очень внимательно читаем тему, подчеркивая clue words.

                              Сообщение от Оссень Посмотреть сообщение
                              There are many different types of music in the world today. Why do we need music? Is traditional music of a country more important than the international music that is heard everywhere nowdays?
                              Теперь читаем заключение.

                              In conclusion, I’m inclined to think that music plays a vital role in many spheres of our lives .And it is equal important either for personal realization or for national self-determination.
                              Как Вы считаете, Вы ответили на вопрос?

                              Честно написано за 40 минут но боюсь качество опять хромает(
                              Может пока все-таки стоит сконцентрироваться на ответе на вопрос, а уж потом думать о временных рамках?

                              Надеюсь, что кто-нибудь проверит английский и грамматику. Vanderley, ovel, Goran Dražić - where are you?
                              Сообщение от bolo83
                              всезнающая дама предпенсионного возраста, которая сама непонятно как попала в Австралию


                              • Сообщение от Оссень Посмотреть сообщение
                                Попробовала учесть предыдущие ошибки, созрела для вынесения очередного эссе на Ваш суд

                                There are many different types of music in the world today. Why do we need music? Is traditional music of a country more important than the international music that is heard everywhere nowdays?
                                (It is well known that - redundant)music has been an essential part of humans natural surrounding since the Stone-Age existence( and remains it nowadays - redundant, perfect tense tells us that it is still important part). There are (lots of - informal) styles, such as folk, classic or modern music(, - compound sentense) and each of them (appeals - Are you sure about the verb?) to (the - the means that you have some of them in mind, and the reader of your essay knows what they are) certain senses or spheres of our lives.

                                (It is obvious that - redundant)music is a vital part f everyday life and has a great number of functions. Firstly, many brilliant opportunities for self-expression, such as dancing, singing, playing musical instruments or even creating some new melodies or rhythms, are available through the music(This sentence sounds weird. First of all, the verb comes very late, which makes it hard to read. Also, you choice of vocabulary and how it is combined need improvement. You could say - Music provides opportunities for...). Secondly, (we can be emotionally enriched - passive is a good choice for formal writing. I am not sure if it fits here.) by classical music, sensible songs or ballads. That is why music is often called the voice of heart. Finally, musical therapy is undoubtedly one of the best way of reducing stress. Also many people use music for relaxation after (daily troubles, work, transport, some social or even psychological problems - you list different kinds of problems. It is strange to see transport on this list).

                                Moreover, music fulfils not only functions related to personal wealthy, but many social ones too(It looks correct, but you blew a chance to show that you know inversion.). For instance, international and traditional types of music can be discussed(What is the purpose of this sentence? If you feel that you should discuss - discuss, you don't have to inform about your intentions). (From one hand - on the one hand), folk music of (a - the. You are talking about our country. Are there more than one of them?) country belongs to (our - avoid using personal pronouns) cultural and historical heritage which must be preserved. Ancient music is a symbolic expression of traditions and mentality(, - I don't think we need a comma here. It's not a compound sentence. Music is ... and reflects) and reflects the objective reality of everyday life( in the light of musical art - wrong word choice. It's not in the light. Check somewhere how in the light is used). I believe, that people have to know their traditional music if they want to save their national (individuality- identity?). (From the other hand - on the other hand), international music(,) which is spread all over the world(, - comma is necessary here; it is additional information. I would skip it.) is not less important (then - than) traditional one. Furthermore, (international melodies - what is international melody? Music can be international; I don't think melody can.) give people opportunity for communication (regardless of language, cultural or age-related barrier - regardless of age not age-related barriers).

                                In conclusion, I’m inclined to think that music plays a vital role in many spheres of our lives .(And - Many people think that starting sentence with a conjunction is a bad idea. Try to avoid it.) it is (equal - equally) important (either - both) for personal realization or for national self-determination.

                                Честно написано за 40 минут но боюсь качество опять хромает(
                                Honestly, I don't like this essay. It is filled with platitudes, which makes it tedious. Some of the ideas are underdeveloped. Sometimes you drop ideas you just start writing about.

                                Also, I had to reread it over and over again to be able to follow your thoughts, which indicated that there are problems with CC.
                                Last edited by Goran Dražić; 03.02.2012, 23:02.

